April 24 Clockwise
from left: Roy Hickling, Greg Amann, Paula Pick, John
Lister, Rebbeca Truax, Doug Scholes, and Barb Robillard.
One of the many committee meetings that have
gone into making this project happen.
The wheat has survived, although with quite a
few thin spots due to winter kill. Some of these should
fill in a bit as the wheat begins to grow, but we have
decided not to try to do any replanting
better a few
mangy spots than a patchwork quilt appearance.
April 27 Out
to the field to mark out where the spring crops will be
planted. We plan these excursions on weekends so that we
can make it a family outing.
This truckload of helpers are enjoying a well
earned snack.
May 12 Unloading
a truckload of stakes, a welcome job because the horse is
now officially standing on his own.
Checking the soil
moisture. The spring has been unusually wet and this has
delayed the planting of the alfalfa and canola by two or
three weeks. Most of the field is clay with some fairly
heavy areas, and is therefore slow to dry. We have been
frustratingly close to being ready to work a couple of
times, only to be rained out. |
May 14 Wilfred Peacock loads his ATV's
spreader with a mixture of alfalfa, clovers, and timothy
and gets the first seeding of the spring done. Luckily
this corner where our tent, Ferris wheel and balloon
rides will be located is of lighter soil allowing us to
get it planted before the imminent rainfall.
May 22 Finally a break in the weather.
Hoyle Campbell arrives with a huge tractor, 50 foot
cultivator in tow, to scratch over some ground and get it
drying. Hoyle is a retired farmer who used to work this
field, and now helps his neighbour Bob Kerr (the owner of
this equipment) with his spring work. Bob, Wendy and
family of Charwen Farms are the hosts of this years
Plowing Match, and have been very helpful with this
project as well. Their elevator will accept the crop that
will be sent to the Canadian Foodgrains Bank.
May 23 Ivan and Barry Degeer parked
between the horses' feet. The Degeer's own the property
where our horse is located, and have been helpful in
packing crops, digging postholes for signs, and are also
quite active and involved with the Match.
Greg took this photo
while Hoyle and I were running for parts for Bob's corn
planter. The corn was in the ground at 8:00 p.m. but
unfortunately without any photos. Breakdowns are as
unpredictable as the weather. The next morning Cargill
Alliston airflowed the canola on using a huge truck with
a 70 foot boom, but since they did it at 5:00 a.m. there
is understandably no photo of this either.
The aerial photos
that Bob Douglas of Douglas Air took on this day are
worth noting. Even though the wheat is quite green from
the ground, from 1500' it is just barely visible. The
contrasts created by the cultivator (visible in the shot)
really makes the horse stand out. There is a wet spot at
the front leg giving us a perfectly formed hoof,
something you couldn't plan if you tried, and the
textures that are just becoming visible in the wheat,
suggest muscle and sinew. |

May 27 That's my father Harold
Hickling helping me load the drill with soybeans. I was
finished my own seeding and my volunteer hadn't started
his yet. There had been rain in the forecast so I offered
to plant the last crop.
It was the first time
that my dad had seen the field, and from the ground it is
a little hard to tell just how accurate the horse is, and
he told me to tell Joe that the legs were too long. When
he saw the next aerial photo however, his message to Joe
changed to "This is a Clyde, tell Joe next time to
do a Percheron."
June 1 Another weekend work crew heads
out to the horse's head.
Getting set up,
between the horses' ears. |
Doug Scholes gives
the lead ear a bit of a shave. We tend to be a little
conservative during these operations, and check our work
in the next aerial photo, trimming a bit more next time,
if necessary. What are those kids in the background up
to? |
Environmental art in
its purest form. |